I see the shadow as the absence of Self. My shadow results from a devestating past life experience (according to psychics and radionics) w...
Trauma based hyper-dimension kingdom? br /> br />
Dialectics (between real and/or made up factions) is the war on the Self in the Superconscious (aka subconscious). br /> The biology of the...
br /> Understanding the World Psychobiologically
(full interview) br />
Emotionalf Freedom Technique / Thought Field Therapy (just analyse your problem thouroughly) & Bach flower remedies are other great bioenergetic tools...
br /> br /> br />
br /> br /> [understanding the world psychobiologically]
br /> br /> [passion vs. deception] br /> [sounds & cells] [suicide by contempt]
It's part of the painful birth of the age of "figure out who you are and want to do in the future". The freeloaders that were able to get by in the ol...
From my observations I think we're seeing people who are reaping the benefits of past life betrayals of humanity. In their next incarnation, many...