I just wonder what else we are missing. hmmm?
wow - we could work on this one all day. It's a huge question/thought. I'm going to default to the old standard here. The Thirty Six Strategies of A...
Hello Starfish, Great Topic, I looked up your recommendation video, I don't remember hearing about this one before. Have you had any experience wi...
Hi 🙂 imo...People are what they are no matter the current law. I'm tired of the government wanting to be the middle man or 'the man' in all this, ...
"Rock on all ye blue brethren"
Shamangineer, please, don't do anything drastic, all my kitchen glasses are blue too. 🙂 peace
YES! Now, I'm speechless. I haven't heard of him in years, and Keely. Every winter I'd have a pile of books to be snowed in with. There isn't...
lol 🙂 yes... Who is that man back lit in 'blue'?
Interesting... 🙂 I barley remember something about the pendulum clock, maybe from here, been along time. Good observations though. The Power ...
Oh, I meant the Skeptico MOD, No matter. 🙂 I started with the old stuff BC... "Before Computers". TC is just comfortable for me, It's a Big read f...
Good afternoon hurmanetar, I've read some of your work at skeptico. I've actually read the article you linked to before. Question... who did a...
Hey! Good for you! Holy crap, I didn't know that ole' guy had audio books. Awesome youtube! Sorry, I don't know about go stuff. Glad to be of so...
LOL, only if you spell crazy with a 'k'. Slow down grasshopper, slow growth make strong trees, compared to quaking aspen or day lily? no? 🙂 I only...
Yes, time, time, time.... Well, you sure have a full plate to work on. First, eye don't have a game plan or a grasp on anything. So, don't shoot! Eve...