Last seen: September 19, 2023 10:35 PM
orchid20 wrote: Although I certainly don't agree with him on all counts, Joel Skousen puts out his Strategic Relocation books every few years (late...
Thanks for the intel on VA and TN. Sounds like VA is similar to NY in terms of the political will of the state being dominated by a geographically sm...
jh1517 wrote: I'm lucky enough to be young and not have any chronic medical issues and to have a medical background that lets me feel pretty confid...
tacosalad wrote: jakeyd! Thank you for sharing all this. Sorry it took so long to respond, I like to have a clear mind and some time to sit down an...
jh1517 wrote: Jesus, this frustrates me to no end. Listen, I've taught pre-meds and doctors, and worked with doctors in the research setting for 5 ...
smaddy wrote: I feel trapped, overwhelmingly trapped. Boris has extended the restrictions until July 19th, from June 21 but furlough support has be...
jh1517 wrote: He randomly attacked my post on the John Michael Greer show too. Sadly, I think this is just an end stage reaction which many pe...
Taco I'm right there with you concerning work and friends, not to mention being forced to give up season tickets to my football team and being barred ...
gkn001 wrote: I’m in several groups on Telegram, and I saw this in a women’s group as a possible antidote. Not sure if it works, but it’s better th...
socalbeachbunny wrote: Welllllll, omfg guys, I got sick! This type of shit always happens to me when I start bragging, I swear! It’s like instant...
smaddy wrote: Came across this Instagram live recently: Summary: The spike proteins which the vaccine gives your body instructions to pro...
orchid20 wrote: Point out the stastical chicanery, like, where did the flu go? ... then back away and let them connect the dots. (i...
I started with dandelion. Very easy to identify, just be sure the lawn hasn't been recently treated with anything. The entire plant can be used. Esp...
socalbeachbunny wrote: I don’t really pay attention to most media story lines. What is Greta saying that is being treated as gospel? Is someone cla...