Not saying you should, but would it be better to make them fire you? I wish the best to you on your adventures.
Same man, but unfortunately I'm nowhere near you. If anyone is in the chicago/milwaukee area, I'm thinking about putting together a meet up, just have...
Greg says no, but I say yes. Edit: The customer is always right.
Great change means, finally, great opportunity. No matter how much they try to limit us, there will always be opportunity in the dissolving stage of t...
Thanks for writing up your story, jh. That PhD might have saved your family's lives, so it's not all that bad, right? Glad you're here. Welcome to you...
Just wanted to say thanks for the response. Good suggestions. I guess time will tell, but it feels like I've been stuck in this holding pattern and I'...
But I also have credentials that grant me expert status in their eyes, I doubt it would have worked if I didn't. I think that's the key. I als...
I just had another family member who was on the fence get the shot. The hardest thing is not to start hating them, but it certainly makes me question ...
I appreciate the responses. At least there's a comfort in knowing that there are like-minded people out there. Unfortunately, I've tried the statistic...
Bad trees, bad fruit. How you don't watch that video back after putting it together and shudder at how gross it is tells you everything you need to kn...