rhino5083 wrote: Hey there, Im in Parker! WE ARE EVERYWHERE! I'm south east Aurora very close to Parker
If you watch the video he really does not inhale. He draws the smoke in but never inhales it to his lungs.
shamangineer wrote: I don't think you want to know what of Chewbacca's does pulsate with love and light. . . But needless to say, it is covered in fur...
as above so below
magic123 wrote: Literal vampire potbelly goblins Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur
magic123 wrote: Do you pulsate with love and light?
br /> Eh they are pretty blatant about indoctrinating children these days. I remember seeing these types of images in cartoons when I was a child bu...
Musk didn't even inhale and Jones is a psy op
I love it when she lands in Oz and the cash register noise kicks in just as color is revealed for the first time!