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Joined: August 18, 2014 9:08 PM
Topics: 25 / Replies: 171
THC iPhone app

This might be a problem on the Apple side of things. I don't have Apple products so I can't run through troubleshooting steps to share with the forum....

8 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1058
Scientist and the Supernatural

Welcome to the forum Zarp. I'm excited to hear your take on many fringe subjects. I have been blessed to have several people pop in my life who were b...

8 years ago

Welcome General Urko. It's cool that Those Conspiracy Guys led you over here. I listen to them too but its hard to get through 5+ hours of a topic at ...

8 years ago
Hi there, I'm tills24

Hi Tills, thanks for stopping in and introducing yourself. I'm into magick as well. It's good to know we are still pulling in magicians. Its good to m...

8 years ago
Hi, I am Pengwinboy

Hi ya PB. Welcome to the forum. You have the same favorites as many of my favorites. I like the flat earth because it tries to explain some of the gra...

8 years ago
iTunes password

I'm not certain what the problem might be. It seems like Apple is having problems with their product software logins. It might be a new programming up...

8 years ago
Downloading the archives

I don't have Apple products so I am not familiar with the problems/solutions but you could look here: listening-FAQ to see if you can find a solution.

8 years ago
Downloading the archives

8 don't have Apple producys so I am not familiar with the problems/solutions but you could look here: listening-FAQ to see if you can find a solution.

8 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 612
Hi guys, from Australia.

Hey Big Tim, welcome to the forum! You did great. Just wander the different categories and find a topic that you want to be involved with and type awa...

8 years ago
New from the UK

Well we are glad you made the choice, jertzee! I don't think you will be disappointed. Welcome to the forum!

8 years ago
New to THC - favorite episodes

Welcome Wildcatz 🙂 I am not sure what type of things you are into but I personally would suggest Rick Osmon | Hollow/Growing Earth & Secrets of Anci...

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 921
8 years ago
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