I started writing down my dreams a couple years ago every night in attempt to start recalling more and I'd haven a few precog dreams that were very in...
I'm mostly either straight hermit or with one or two friends. I go to a lot of metal and punk shows as well. 100s just in the past few years. Nowadays...
Never heard of Far Sight that was interesting though
I picture it as looking from the outside into my body. Not necessarily like I'm fully detached but like I'm detaching a little bit to make way for sai...
What was the name on the Amazon one you grabbed? Got a gift card I'm going to get some with but there's quite a few different sellers
It was strange for me, never had any of my post deleted like that and I talk about wild shit pretty frequently. It let me post that we all died in 201...
I'll have to track some down and give it a shot. Been wanting to dive deeper into dreaming lately
Posting to remind myself to watch. Cheers
Indeed. It's not hard to keep the control in place when you build the foundation people build their lives on. I was lucky in a way having a few family...
I could definitely get down with all of that as well. My comment was one typed in haste just so it'd get in before the topic changed on the live. I ne...
I posted a comment about this theory in a 24 hour live stream on YouTube with about 50 people in it and my comment kept disappearing the second it wou...
Lots of good info posted in here. I've been dabbling with scrying, pendulums, sigils and I guess a "conjuring" of sorts for a few years. I'll have to ...
I've been to Springfield a few times. It just came out at a recent family gathering that my great uncle was part of a cult. Nobody wants to talk about...
Also from Missouri out of the Kansas City area. Spent a lot of time in the Ozarks growing up and Missouri is a solid place to build up an obsession wi...