Last seen: September 23, 2024 7:01 PM
Do you have any sources about the vortex for me to learn more? Cursory google searches haven't given me anything of real use.
Definitely need to take steps to stay safe. It's strange that this topic is so well "protected". Makes me wonder if there's more to it than what initi...
Amazing information. Actually checked in to see if anyone had any info on this. Turns out I'm not terribly far away from the area. So now I'm even mor...
I haven't seen anything like that on YT. That is very disturbing though. Curious to know if anyone else has this happening.
@neuron-crux This is definitely interesting. Only had time for a cursory glance so far. Not sure it's my thing, but certainly worth some more research...
@tesseraches Thanks. I've been considering rune soup. I'm leaning towards Heathenry but mostly eclectic pagan.
@nickzeptepi What happened? I loved the discord 😥
Completely support this. A few best of episodes would be cool. Or we can just browse the archive to get our fix. Those first few weeks are insane. ...