nickzeptepi wrote: wow your ignorance is extreme Ancient Greece that like saying the land that is now called called the USA never existed un...
Ever heard of the Ottoman Empire? How about Hellenes? You're absolutely wrong about Greece. It's had a thousand names and changed hands a thousand tim...
Even the Bible has changed/is changing. Quite often to be honest
Nope. I'm not missing your point. I understand everything that you're saying with perfect clarity. You're not listening to me. And the map IS just an ...
I understand what you're saying, I really do. But trust me, I'm not just falling for the latest trend. Have you considered that maybe you're the one w...
Why are you jumping to extreme theories? 2000 year old Greek temples huh? Greece has only been a country since 1830. Look it up smart guy
Lol none of those. Not even close. That's my point. If any of those look normal to you, then there's nothing else to say. You're right, I'm gullible. ...
Sorry it took so long to reply. I bought mine from Azuregreen. I recommend buying whole root, not powder.
Don't bother yourself with Nickzeptepi. He posts smartass, debunky type comments in every thread. I agree with you though. Mudflood is real and real w...
I agree. I love that channel. He's always interesting and well thought out.
I understand your point, and i appreciate a well thought out reply. I've felt the same way about some of it. Of course there are places and things in ...
mcoimbra10 wrote: Anyone have any experience using this dream root and being a daily weed smoker. I feel the effects of weed will interfere with the d...
nickewilson wrote: I tried growing xhosa from seed a couple times for the purpose of harvesting it to consume as a dream tea. It is a bitch to grow it...
ls369 wrote: Yeah I've been watching the new series and think it's a natural progression from Occult Science. At the end of that series, he outright s...