All hai fatty
On this epsode shamangineer said in areas of siberia solar storms make people take their close off and go nuts, Maybe explains the dyatlov pass incid...
I did not see that but I had i friends that did. I said fuck that guy ! He needs to get back to the harmonics of nature before he takes over space
genxgemini wrote: Well put. You may be my new best buddy aahaha
Hollow earth is a napkin in the trash at this point , chem trails are overlooked and 5G is the worst ! I think everyone should just learn how to play ...
Just a little bit of the legal moon cabbage they let us have our here . Keeps me on the up and up on the weekends. got a tiny bit of Jameson and some...
I dig it man, sitting here in the Hornets nest of Los Angeles drinking a little drink and smonin' a little smoke going into the great beyond .
dwrex wrote: I've yet to do any they live artwork yet because I'm intimidated by all the GREAT artists who have , but speaking of they live, have you ...