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Joined: June 3, 2021 9:01 PM
Topics: 3 / Replies: 7
Replies: 14
Views: 1162
The new normal sucks!

You people are too much. Granted, I just joined because I liked a few of Greg's shows on YOUTUBE. But the entirely separate cult mentality here is to...

4 years ago
John Michael Greer | Political Sorcery, Will, & Weaponized Magic

Yes, it is always infuriating when other people do not agree to our assimilated propaganda. The GOP and its huge media empire spewed forth Donald Tru...

4 years ago
John Michael Greer | Political Sorcery, Will, & Weaponized Magic

Well, I would like to suggest that the medical world authorities were scared as they've seldom been scared by a once per 100 year pandemic and its abi...

4 years ago
Dean Henderson | The Nephilim Crown & The Secret History Of Power

If a conspiracy minded self-made celebrity wishes to extend his reputation, he should do so with a theory that at least makes sense. Germ theory is h...

4 years ago
Why I listen to Greg and not Alex

Alex interviewed Whitley Strieber recently. Supposedly, the interview was to be about Whitley's new book JESUS - A NEW VISION. Now regardless of what ...

4 years ago
John Michael Greer | Political Sorcery, Will, & Weaponized Magic

jh1517 wrote: He nailed it. Covid crazies are reacting to the archetype of "The Plague", not what the facts dictate. Shockingly to me, this not onl...

4 years ago
Chris Bledsoe | Entity Encounters, The Invisible College, & The Lady

I think Chris is a sweet man. He couches everything in the Bible, which is off-putting to me. Can't people in the 21st century think for themselves ab...

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 608
4 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 583