Last seen: December 22, 2024 12:36 AM
Yes, I agree with you 100% and it is my biggest beef with the channel. Sometimes I deep 6 an interview which I would otherwise find interesting becau...
While I agree with many of the ideals that Jason expressed, and I feel that Greg did an excellent job with the interview and was well prepared for it,...
enjoypolo wrote: Thank you very much Greg for doing that last episode with Jordan. Though there were too many topics to unpack, I think the timing cou...
Open the pod bay doors, Hal 🙂
metalegs wrote: Interesting! Its amazing how much current events and pop culture match up with this concept. The movie "Age of Ultron". About an A...
metalegs wrote: This is totally off the subject. As I was reading your post you mention 4D and AI and silicon tech. Haven't we been told that the ...
For anyone who studies it in detail, particularly if you have a strong background in physics or optics, you soon learn that the Apollo moon landings w...