Last seen: August 6, 2024 5:04 PM
Welcome! What a nice gift 🙂 Love the profile pic 😎
Looks a bit like a giant flying geodesic dome! Buckminster Fuller had envisioned such floating structures due to the unique characteristics of geodes...
I'm currently reading Eileen's latest book Electric Body, Electric Health (2021) and it's a pure gem, a very no-nonsense overview of not just her Biof...
I've had the pleasure of using this vortexer on my kitchen faucet for over a month now and wrote a review about it for anyone who's interested. T...
Thanks for doing this, a really powerful contribution! I also don't think people feel comfortable reporting their adverse reactions to us afte...
Wow, what a wild experience! Thanks for sharing your story! I'm also quite astonished that two people in the same thread have had these sleep studies ...
Just as an update, Greg posted the following donation links for those who feel so inclined to help out 🙂 Cheers!