Active Member
Joined: April 28, 2015 7:54 AM
Topics: 3 / Replies: 14
Problem with the New Blubrry Player

All is well. Much thanks for the fix, amigo.

9 years ago

Indeed, Greg has the best broadcast going. Takes a good stoner mentality to wade through the mist of propaganda and explore the alternative scenarios ...

10 years ago
Greetings from the All Mocking Tongue

Thanks, some humorous stuff. A bit of it was too small to read or difficult to see so maybe if you posted a link along with it that would help. Looked...

10 years ago
Talk to the Moderator(s)-Suggestions, contributions, Gripes, Questions, etc

Ha, my moving completed, settled in, new computer in place, good to go. Sorry for my relative absence here this past month and thanks for your patienc...

10 years ago
Greg interviewed on The Alexxcast

I first learned of The Higherside Chats when Greg was interviewed on Out Of the Box when it was part of ATS Radio. I was impressed with his interview ...

10 years ago
Talk to the Moderator(s)-Suggestions, contributions, Gripes, Questions, etc

Please feel free to start your own thread. Maybe "if you build it they will come." I think the newer theads and more recent replies go to the top...

10 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1403
Just felt an Earthquake in Michigan

Had a friend in the chat room from around Davisburg MI say she felt the quake. Sounded like it was a first for her. Being from California that is a no...

10 years ago

That reminds me of the Grand Masonic Lodge in the heart of Washington DC, I've never been there but isn't it amazing where those lodges crop up? Right...

10 years ago
Where did everyone go?

Sorry on my end too. I mentioned in another thread I am preparing to move across town and am doing my Karate Kid impression of 'paint the house', 'wax...

10 years ago
Talk to the Moderator(s)-Suggestions, contributions, Gripes, Questions, etc

Heya chromerhino, pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm just enjoying the scenery and having a good look-around right now. I am in the process of mov...

10 years ago
Talk to the Moderator(s)-Suggestions, contributions, Gripes, Questions, etc

Heya chromerhino and THC folks, I'm here now to help you and the rest of the Highersiders as best I can. Mainly I am here to enjoy the super vibes and...

10 years ago

My Mexican wife and I love visiting Ajijic. I first took here there a few years ago and she was just blown away that there was an American enclave wit...

10 years ago
The first conspiracy topic that you looked into...

The JFK assassination. Yep, I was around for that one. I saw the man back in 1962 when I was 9 years-old, youth, vitality all the rage. We were intern...

10 years ago
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