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Joined: August 4, 2016 7:14 AM
Topics: 0 / Replies: 4
Shamangineer, Ether Ormus

So, to hit on a point I made in the other thread, I think we have to be skeptical of some of the concepts considered to be dogma now, or at least skep...

9 years ago
Shamangineer, Ether Ormus

The vortex model of kelvin doesn't seem hard to apply at a high level, but the details are not resolved. The typical particles we experience and meas...

9 years ago
A Message to Shamangineer Greg

Oh snap, just listening to the second hour, and I'm stoked that you're talking about vortex knots. That stuff is my jam, and where I was trying to le...

9 years ago
A Message to Shamangineer Greg

I've got a few thoughts I was hoping to bounce off you, even if the unknown lux doesn't. I could either try to explain things fresh, or give some co...

9 years ago