Last seen: November 2, 2022 6:41 PM
jh1517 wrote: Yes. Real life just does not reflect what we are seeing from the propaganda nexus. This Saturday I went downtown in my small city and...
I came here in a bit of a laughing mood, too, because I noticed how the narrative has shifted, rather quickly, to "jab because you care about others" ...
orchid20 wrote: So does the "control group" - the unjabbed - get those privileges as well? What sort of jedi mind trick is this supposed to be? ...
Because it is so obvious, more folks will wake up.
I wanted to add - I actually know of some doctors using Ivermectin for both vaccine symptom relief, and also for Covid long haulers. One more well kn...
Did any reporting bring up what companies he had shares in during the very brief scandal earlier this year, right before the divorce announcement, whe...
Thanks. I'd seen a post with a claim that some people are getting a placebo. Maybe they meant secretly.
Yeah, I did some research - I couldn't find anything other than the claims being debunked.