Btw, if Tesla did discover eternal youth, it didn't seem to work for him. just sayin
Fascinated by anything Tesla. Not to go off topic, but have you heard they are attempting to crowdfund rebuilding of the Wardenclyffe Tower? Seems a c...
Chemtrails. Where do I start? "IF" chemtrails were the huge ongoing project that the proponents claim, then the only real feasible way that it might b...
Pics or it didn't happen. Honestly though, congrats on the marriage. Wish you both happiness and harmony! And may your first child, be a mas...
I think Farrell is a pipe smoker, hence the many Zippo clicks. I find it oddly entertaining as you usually hear it after he has made an important poin...
Anybody here ever read "Daemon, and its sequel "Freedom (TM)" by Daniel Suarez ? They are both fun and action movie like,sci-fi reading, and the story...
Just a suggestion, why not charge a dollar or two and tell developer you will split proceeds if they fix, and keep app updated? I'm sure it's more com...
cobrashark7, as you are a first time poster, just want to point out, for me this kind of exchange is why I love this forum. Are you feelin it?
nickzeptepi wrote: Just a quick note to ponder on, (I'll try expand later) For those who have mentioned slave race. Consider the hidden teachin...
well... satyagrha, with all due respect, I am currently really embracing the "drink a little drink, smoke a little smoke" ethic of the higherside ch...
Cobrashark7, I too think the sumerians had it going on as far as a early, workable cosmology, the Egyptians kinda distilled it in a more straightfor...
Ahhh, the trickster. Funny how I've been hearing about the trickster entity lately. I've always associated the trickster with Coyote, first nations ...
Welcome Cobrashark7, My response follows,YMMV 1. Don't get sucked into the flat earth B.S. Yeah, I know NASA lies yada. yada, but come on! Have y...
I do not remember seeing the car the guy was driving, which in itself is odd because I am a huge car enthusiast and always notice cars. I also remembe...