dwrex wrote: I dig it man, sitting here in the Hornets nest of Los Angeles drinking a little drink and smonin' a little smoke going into the great bey...
nickzeptepi wrote: I listened to some of her radio shows and she comes across as a bit of a bitch! Henrik = pussy whipped - hahahahah No offens...
dwrex wrote: The sentiment is mutual,man! You might just may be my new best buddy too. lol Killer visuals! More,more,more =) What is you...
dwrex wrote: You may be my new best buddy aahaha Birds of a feather,flock together.=)
Hmmm, let me think. Were you outside when Musk launched that rocket over L.A. without telling anyone a few months ago? What did you think about that...
Well put.
genxgemini wrote: Sounds like a great setup for blasting into the beyond. So,what is tickling your Thinking Noodle tonight? Hallow Earth? 5...
dwrex wrote: Just a little bit of the legal moon cabbage they let us have our here . Keeps me on the up and up on the weekends. got a tiny bit of Jam...
dwrex wrote: I dig it man, sitting here in the Hornets nest of Los Angeles drinking a little drink and smonin' a little smoke going into the great bey...
dwrex wrote:/blockquote> Oh,wow,man. Thanks for this share. How awesome. It's a dark,stormy-middle~of~the night here in the Desert. PERFEC...
dwrex wrote: I can look at an image and draw it or just doodle something out of my own head (like the post) . That's more fun for me, just scribbling ...
Hey, Are you able to conjure images directly out of your head onto the pad or do you need something to look at first,then draw? LOTS of super-t...
dwrex wrote: Yours,i assume? Love it!!
That's cool. lol trintdaddy wrote: of course the answer is yes. i try not to come off as too paranoid lol