sirujux wrote: did you know trent made the soundtrack for quake? i was watching doom 2 on youtube like i always do, and then a documentary of john r...
myalienartlife wrote: Yeeesh, it was baller, so many layers!!! There was also a river in the street around midnight that kicked ass. My cat refused to...
myalienartlife wrote: Definitely saving the rough map to my desktop and putting in my must hike locations. It's 5 hours away... I'll have to pick one ...
dwrex wrote: .... woah! Wacky-bizarro stuff,eh? That's a deep Arizona rabbit hole there.
sirujux wrote: my dads place reminds my of her because the pics she sent and all the texting. i dont really have a choice i guess. thanks for being ...
sirujux wrote: the funny thing is i dont know what is going on, did my best friend leave forever or does she care about me? its only a internet frien...
sirujux wrote: ya fuck em. i need to leave this place, my mom. is driving me crazy. im on my xbox and it randomly adds periods, i have movies on my...
sirujux wrote: ive already scared a bunch of people off on fb. i dont use it much anymore. So,what-who needs'em anyway☆ My great Aunt always u...
sirujux wrote: id ask him if he wants to have a thc bunker area in south dakota. has he had that guy on the show? he seemed cool. its the largest b...
May I take a moment here to note the strength & vulnerability it must take to, not only experience it 1st hand, but to then try to translate it all ...
dwrex wrote: Are you familiar with the Kincaid/Smithsonian story from 1909?
Oh,JESUS(over there in the corner)! Now you are reeally talkin' my language,DW. Viva G.E.Kincaid!
bgunnars wrote: She must have used the same magic tricks as corporations use to take over small successful organic food companies. Mr. Palmgren w...
trintdaddy wrote: man, he went balls deep into the trump train! right around the time trump announced he was running, the show completely changed. doe...