genxgemini wrote: Would it surprise you to know Mr. Keenan listens to T.H.C.? How do I know for sure? I asked him,of course. (See the c...
Oh no,Siru. Ryan is family. Definitely no stranger or far-off personage.
Ryan was my apprentice for 13 years. We were very close for a very long time. We were always into "critical thought" in the same way. Passionate...
Ryan's favorite playa - No cornflakes required.
That's the massively unsettling thing about it. To this day, NOBODY knows for sure. His parents chose NOT to have a funeral. Uber bizzarro,but w...
For those of you wondering what is real & what is fiction. This story is #real.
Correction In Above Post: James Maynard Keenan
Btw, Is369 is also in Oregon. Portland,though. Super Rad Magi, although, I haven't seen him around here in awhiiile.
genxgemini wrote: Speaking of Art Bell,I was talking with a buddy recently about this post & he made a video for us. Maybe it will fill in so...