magic123 wrote: I want a Fuck'em and feed'em turnips shirt Hahhaha. Hell yeah!!! Hahaha
Just so you know ABSOLUTELY for sure, NO DOUBT...here is YOUR EMAIL giving me the permission to do just what I did...MORE ACTIVITY. Dated: APRIL 25...
You just got #served!:p:p:cool:
Despite the blatherings of an envious rival,Folks, I contacted MR. GREG CARLWOOD directly Before any of this started to get his permission FIRST. ...
Listen,Shamangineer-No one forced your participation.You are only typing out of #envy. I already told you once. I have no tolerance for your pres...
P.S. My Hermetic Game within this FORUM is #real. I designed it to appeal & put on the path,Those here who were ready for it. Intrepid Starting R...
☆Special Thanks to my dear,patient Hubby,Ian, for putting up with my Artistic Flow with Project Carlwood. Couldn't have done this without him. HE...
Fyi: the Wild Card Forum version is in Color.
Please Hear What I'm Not Saying Not Gaga's Grandma Don't be fooled by me. Don't be fooled by the face I wear ...
#6.) Do you still think All Rich people are
Allow me fall back on the waters of my "wheelhouse" Q: DO YOU STILL THINK ALL RICH PEOPLE ARE
Charles C. Finn Please Hear What I'm Not Saying Don't be fooled by me. Don't be fooled by the face I wear for I wear a mask, a thousand mas...