*using a distant Football Stadium voice Medically administered K-holes,eh?!? No kidding,man. Have a few party stories about this one,but ho...
It's a time to celebrate,indeed!
sirujux wrote: i loaded a bowl a while ago and just the smell of weed makes me take a shit. so when that smell of breaking a bud in half made me shi...
sirujux wrote: thats my snow scooter when im rich. ive got to find a money printer Perhaps, even sooner...
Yours for just Three Easy Installments of $99.99. Call Now! Never heard of this thing or it's creator. At first glance, it feels a bit h...
sirujux wrote: it would be sweet, it would be cool if it was real powerful and you could go off road Here ya go ----> .oh hell yeah=...
genxgemini wrote: *bong rip [GALLERY=media, 220]Screenshot_20180723-162640_Firefox Beta by genxgemini posted Jul 31, 2018 at 1:12 AM[/GALLERY] ...
sirujux wrote: if it wasnt for halow earth there would be no thc. i think thats how i found this show. someone was uploading old shows on youtube an...
Duuuude, how does it feel to live near THE ONLY SURVIVING ??? "Wow, What A Difference!!" =D Inquiring Minds Want To Know!
genxgemini wrote: Hahahah. Could the downfall of the greatest "conspiracy" podcaster ever really be just that simple?? Hell, look at Hel...
nickzeptepi wrote: I listened to some of her radio shows and she comes across as a bit of a bitch! Henrik = pussy whipped - hahahahah I agree. ...