genxgemini wrote:br /> " Got money, will do anything for you; Got money, just tell me what you want me to (do)..." *HOOT hoot #3.) #...
br /> " Got money, will do anything for you; Got money, just tell me what you want me to (do)..." *HOOT hoot
" Deep In The Finite- Is the Infinite."
*waves hal-low
ENTER THE: O ccult W arrior L ogistical S ervice Hoot Hoot, Strong Armed Mothafuckas of the Agency, HOOT, mutha-fuckin', HOOT!
Looky what came in the mail today =D
NOW you're talkin' my language! = D See ya over there if you decide to log back on to the beast.
Hey CSC, ya know, other than joining the Higherside Chats Network FB Group, I'm really not sure. This group ritual was 100% impromptu & I hav...