Honorable Member
Joined: March 15, 2018 1:33 AM
Topics: 77 / Replies: 555
GAME OVER. Thank YOU for Playing .

After which, there is Chapter 8: The People of the Sun in the Valley of the Sun br /> "All the school kids so sick of books They like ...

7 years ago
GAME OVER. Thank YOU for Playing .

Coming Soon: Chapter LeveL SeVen: Dropping Anchor br /> "And I will not play my hand just yet And I will not and I will not Play my ha...

7 years ago
ENTER: The "Earth Shaping Agnostic" Investors Club.

Ya know what,People.. ENOUGH is enough. How 'bout we get a lil' rowdy? Ya know, maybe a lil' unruly? I'm thinking, " YQY!" (From my gal...

7 years ago
ENTER: The "Earth Shaping Agnostic" Investors Club.

Please Pardon me,but did YOU see SUBMITTED FOR THE APPROVAL OF SHAMANGINEER anywhere in the title or body of this thread? any where at...

7 years ago
ENTER: The "Earth Shaping Agnostic" Investors Club.

genxgemini wrote: Excuse me, but did you see SUBMITTED FOR THE APPROVAL of SHamangineer in the title?????? P. S. To be quite clear, be a dick i...

7 years ago
Anyone used magic to grow their business?

The most powerful UNITY magick Word Spell I can conjure begin with these two words ... WELCOME HOME. Did you just feel that? The warm fuzzy...

7 years ago
New plus member - podcast addict

It usually helps to reset the feed. You might lose your downloaded episodes but it will get things working again. Are you having any issues logg...

7 years ago

**waves hello to Xlukinx Jinkies,Shaggy! A mystery =D =DSweet! Hope all is well.

7 years ago
GAME OVER. Thank YOU for Playing .

While we wait for the next chapter, how 'bout some wacky doodles from my sketch pad:) Hey,wait a minute, that last guy looks kind...

7 years ago
THC Book Club

Yes, your blog & my pleasure:) What is that blog address again? You a WordPress-kinda fellow too? Boooooyyyy, did you type a mouthful there!...

7 years ago
Anyone used magic to grow their business?

P.S. I hope you are recording these posting for your archives. You'll want to look back on them one day.

7 years ago
Anyone used magic to grow their business?

13 Hermetic Humm-Dingers From the "Tolec" AfterShow Analysis 05/07/18: See if you can spot them too & why. 1.) "People" 3x 2.) " Antarctica...

7 years ago
7 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1048
I wrote this for Greg and the rest of us this morning! - Enjoy!

= D =D =D =D =D br /> "It's the music that we choose, it's the music that we choose, It's the music that we choose."

7 years ago
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