Honorable Member
Joined: March 15, 2018 1:33 AM
Topics: 77 / Replies: 555
James Egan re The Tower of Newport + John Dee

Hey RopeBurn, Buckminster solids, Multiple camera obscurae, Optical illusory mirrors - OH MY!! Wow, that's a mucho interesting hybrid. I lik...

7 years ago
I wrote this for Greg and the rest of us this morning! - Enjoy!

Exquisite creation,Litofeit!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with everybody. Welcome home =)

7 years ago
Anyone used magic to grow their business?

"Magick Thoughts From The "Magick Throneroom" Speaking of magick,takin' care of business & this wacky T.H.C. podcast - sometimes ,laaate at nigh...

7 years ago
THC Book Club

Hey ENJOYPOLO, I've been meaning to ask you- how's your website going?? Those fear gremlins aren't running around again, are they?? Hop...

7 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1228
7 years ago
THC Book Club

Aaaah,man. You have some good stuff on your plate! Doing more writing than reading these days,but Mr. Radin's book is certainly near the top of ...

7 years ago
THC Book Club

Here's an unusual one for ya: Ever heard of this deliciously 6-legged book?

7 years ago
R. Kelly BBC Documentary and Nxivm

Interesting posting,Chukobyte. It's weird how R.Kelley is little more than a Dave Chapelle joke about watersports in this country. Not many know who...

7 years ago
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And Then: Chapter 666: She Said Her Name Was "El....vira" "The surprising twist in Arizona legislation of 2010 was the beginning of this Red ...

7 years ago
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Up Next: Chapter V Cannabi$ Cultivating + Dreamy Dream$ = Meeh,Not $o Much br /> /p>

7 years ago

If any of YOU there, behind those keyboards, are interested in any/all of the ideas/brain spillages/and/or keystrokes of iambic genius posted within,...

7 years ago
Anti conspiracy advertising

Maaan, I hear what you are saying. It's started to get reeeeal wacky out there. First, *They make us mainstream *barfs a lil' by crowning us...

7 years ago

Next Stop On This Wacky-Bizarro Group Travel Itinerary: SAVANNAH,GEORGIA!! br /> Hankering for a Mint Julep and a Canape' ?? Or maybe j...

7 years ago
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