Chapter 4: The Stoner Brothers Move To California br /> /p>
Trippy,man. Do you remember what product the commercial was selling? Watch it be an insurance or a jean commercial. Cheers to High Strangeness In the ...
No,no,no,Flavus... Notice the " " around those words??? As a matter of fact, I based it off of a term Mr. Carlwood sorta coined himself beca...
Oh,right on!! Off to the show notes-OH WAIT, I'm still experiencing log-in issues with the Plus site. I'll have to check those later. Thanks for me...
The process of how this is being written is an interesting one,involving many levels of divination throughout what we call "time", which is as liquid ...
Sounds like expedition #2:)
**pops his head out of a old-school locker br /> Heeeeey EnjoyPolo, Do you have a reeally special book, perhaps from your childhood, that...
OOOhh, you cheeky lil' monkey! I KNOW what you are thinking AND oh my hell, YES, it is super el caliente'!!! Worth the price just for pornhu...
**Waves @ Chukobyte
**doouble like LOVE IT! The Kybalion has a strange & mysterious way of being a book that crosses your path offering some higher understandings & p...