sirujux wrote: cool there are, i like wild animals because i am one sometimes Hell yeah,man..me & you BOTH! RAAAAAr! Here kitty,kitty....#mymagi...
sirujux wrote: like a goat. i want goats E-X-A-C-T-L-Y!! Especially those cute lil' miniature ones. BEDROCK CITY,down the road, has the most...
Hangman Puzzle Solution:
While we wait for everyone to see the first one....Here's another one you won't need me to solve. :p
sirujux wrote: told and unpredectail? is that a word? told and unpredictable. i just cheated crap That's okay,$iru. I was COUNTING on that. ...
sirujux wrote: 1850 1950 2050, alien tech or waves of advancement from the brains of crazy people? both i think i dont know when the dates are w...
br /> I TOLD ya'll that nitty-gritty BACKWOODS magick was myyyyyy bag,right?! In Savannah,Georgia-in fact. Everything you want to know is rig...
It appears I am to share with you ONE WAY/why ya'll (& I DO mean YOU ALL) are currently feelin' me the way you are....Hang on,though. I need to catch ...
sirujux wrote: im from oregon city, i lived on a ranch and not far away there was a old century in the forest and you go further north close to the do...
Ahhh,man. Killer music selections!! I'm starting to reeeeally like you,BG. *smiles sheepishly
genxgemini wrote: BG: i rrrreeeeally