bgunnars wrote: We're only sane when we're not afraid to think and say that the working truth is odd (even just by the fact that your body's energy fi...
bgunnars wrote: The reward for those who go all the way will be strong and sweet: /blockquote>
This is fun!!! Wake-up Sleepy heads!! You can play too! All are invited to participate. I just knooow there is someone in here just dying ...
This question is presumptuous,therefore, any way I respond to it, you (generally speaking)would skew to whatever anger issues you personally are going...
bgunnars wrote: Are you smarter than vampires (aka zombies)? The question is presumptuous,therefore, any way I answered it, you would skew to ...
bgunnars wrote: Are you smarter than vampires (aka zombies)? TThe question is presumptuous,therefore, any way I answered it, you would skew to wh...
sirujux wrote: you cant be rich making shows like this, you have to make videos about memes. i had a internet friend that got popular on youtube for ...
bgunnars wrote: We're only sane when we're not afraid to think and say that the working truth is odd (without a bullhorn) and people get upset. I...
thunderchicken wrote: The artistry to your responses and comments in general is inspiring. I got to get the hang of this HTML it's been awhile lol. Re...
49:55 #StanleyMyers I understand. I would never "Stanley Myer" you,Mr.Carlwood,although I can certainly see why you would think so. ☆☆☆Just le...
thunderchicken wrote: What if I told you Morpheus used to say what if I told you until someone altered the original film to promote the Mandela psyop....
thunderchicken wrote: Wow, this kicks ass. Yeah tool for sure. I love string instrumentals. All different covers of tool are a great example. There's ...
br /> I bet...now with your new Allegory-Vision,that we all have chatted a bit...if you played that above The Matrix clip, the one youve watched ...