hugh johnson
Trusted Member
Joined: January 12, 2017 8:22 PM
Topics: 19 / Replies: 38
Missing $23 Trillion

There is such a thing as wealth addiction. Even billionaires are will desperately hustle for more money. It's also not clear how many people is that 2...

6 years ago
Fixing your Gut - Shopping List?

thunderchicken wrote: Great tips man, I've transitioned to a 95% whole food, grain and dairy free diet. My goal is weight loss. A month into the foll...

6 years ago
Missing $23 Trillion

I just find it naive to suggest the money is used for something productive. Money with no oversight typically just ends up stolen by the insiders.

6 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 696

DNA barely does anything. "I intend to show you how neo-Darwinism has been invalidated within science itself, as an explanation of how life on ea...

6 years ago
Chris Hedges

"He's been certified to teach creationism" He is a minister and did go to Harvard, but he is no creationist. I like the guy and listened to him ...

6 years ago
The Ultimate Book Thread (epub, pdf, mobi)

Now for something entirely different: Mind and Tissue by Ray Peat, PhD INTRODUCTION By Peter Marin In its quiet way, this book is both a r...

6 years ago
Drawing as meditation?

Jung talked about drawing mandalas. “I sketched every morning in a notebook a small circular drawing, a mandala, which seemed to correspond to m...

7 years ago
Free Will or Cause & Effect?

genxgemini wrote: Care to expound on your statement? You are it. You are the creative power of the universe made manifest. br /> br />

7 years ago
Free Will or Cause & Effect?

Conciousness is the fundamental building block of reality. All is mind and cause and effect is an illusion.

7 years ago
Trauma Release Exercise

I did some. I could do it for hours, but noticed no effect. I understand that the founder researched this and fold that it works well with recent trau...

7 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1393
Travelling to the US - need advice

genxgemini wrote: As much coffee as I drink,I didnt realize how much of a filter those grounds really are. Wow, I can feel a little less bad for guz...

7 years ago
Travelling to the US - need advice

sacroff wrote: Shops sell distilled water out here. Happy with that find, so I’ve been drinking that since I got here. But thanks for all the advice....

7 years ago
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