Elaeocarpus Ganitrus (Rudraksha) u are welcome xD
EmGhee22 wrote: My problem with the people who tout climate change is that they're usually the people who own 80-room mansions and have multiple ca...
ceramicsforlife wrote: You know how archeologist study clay tablets or pottery to understand past peoples. Well why not tell your story on clay tod...
i mean why not? lets start playing with fire like everybody else 🙂 not sarcasm
Charlie Robinson @Macroaggressions Ryan Cristián @TLAVagabond Jason Bermas @JasonBermas Jimmy Dore Show @TheJimmyDoreShow ...
about this i have a question not sure if it comes up in the book or no. i had a apifiny this friday from nowhere vaccine's have poisens in them t...
sleep paralysis demon's was scarcy at the moment, now i miss them. Haven't seen or had paralys for years, quessing i have somekind of stockholm syndro...
geosurfer wrote: Hey guys. New to the forum. When and where will we be able to listen to the live Q&A with Sally Fallon Morell? Thanks. Go to mai...
predictive programming my son was watching this show on youtube, decent show. Reminds me of Tom & Jerry seen few things on the same show that makes me...
raw123 wrote: Hey all, hope you’re all keeping well. I’m finding it increasingly hard to open up conversations about what’s going on right now. Althou...
looks interesting i can get behind that dude coming on 🙂 He did not have my lite farm or what to call it. The problem when i wanna drag some pe...