Last seen: September 12, 2024 7:19 PM
@pdubya95 ... SOON? lol (I need to check this forum more often)
I'd drive over for one out that way 🙂
@astronautrob ... yeah, you probably don't want to go there, but going from Washington state and a sleepy little fishing town, then crossing the water...
@skankeowlet ... I love KS! I'm fairly close to you and willing to drive, let's have a coffee meet-up someday. I've been thinking of trying to schedul...
@trustfall ... crazy how sunny it is there, I lived in Port Angeles for a couple years and it was always cooler and wetter, and what, 15 minutes away?...
@astronautrob ... my folk just moved from Bella Vista in NW Arkansas, one thing to watch out for around the man made lakes in NWA is the rocky ground....
@astronautrob I wouldn't worry too much about that here, I know tons of people grow plants, but you didn't hear that from me lol ... but honestly, I l...
@astronautrob .. it was a pretty boring picture of a 40ft tall tree lol ... KC is awesome, I haven't been able to break info the alternative community...
@astronautrob ... to demonstrate growth potential, in 2016 a bird must have dropped a seed or something there on the left, I've been telling myself I ...
@astronautrob ... well, we have them for sure, but the first place I moved when I left KS was Poplar Bluff MO, in the ozarks, and I had never seen so ...
@astronautrob .. yeah, Colorado is definitely more "beautiful" but Eastern KS, Western MO is really awesome... we have quite a few lakes and here in L...
I live in Lawrence KS... although being a little boring geographically, KS is pretty awesome, I love it here, it's affordable and fun, easy to purchas...
@kate2121 ... I'm close enough, keep me posted! Josh - Lawrence KS
haven't heard of it, but I'll probably be up all night now looking though the web lol
The video is super interesting… one victim poses for a couple pics before sitting down. Lots of folks calmly filming. Looks super sketch!