Last seen: September 12, 2024 7:19 PM
we also tend to think of other life forms as somewhat similar to us, in some physical form that can communicate is some different way, but honestly I ...
@socalfungal .. I mean, that would be cool, but I look at it almost every night and take pics when I can... never seen anything cool, not that I have ...
@socalfungal .. I just spend a lot of time on that conspiracy, it's my favorite one, and I'm totally convinced it's not possible. I mean, I think we'v...
No, no people have ever gone, nor will we ever go... also, no way we'll ever go to Mars. We (USA/NASA) are supposed to put "boots on the moon" in 2024...
I typed so fast I didn't recognize my typo! hahaha.... oh well. Hello Emily!
bump for Kansas Coffee Club. : )
also Kansas!
Kansas here! 🙂
also Kansas!
Kansas here!
we gotta start a coffee club!
Lawrence KS here! 🙂
I used to live in Lauderdale! ... good stuff!