Active Member
Joined: July 30, 2014 4:38 PM
Topics: 4 / Replies: 8
G'Day from Downunder

downunderet wrote: First time I've posted and just wanted to say hello. I live in the land downunder about two hours drive north of Sydney. I am a lon...

5 years ago
Gordon White | Mutual Flourishing In 2020, Conspiracy Yoga, & The Timeline

Gordon is great and he brings a calm mind and perspective to some crazy times. I can’t help wondering though how he manages to take so much incre...

5 years ago
Reconciling Opposing Conspiracies

Great question and topic! I think sometimes the guests can have differing views but both be 'sort of' right at the same time. I believe both ...

9 years ago
9 years ago
Replies: 17
Views: 3219
The Case That No Astronauts Go Beyond Low Earth Orbit

I was trying to figure out why and when we can see the moon during the daytime; I seriously don't remember anything from high school science; I do rem...

9 years ago
How did you become awake?

I can't exactly pinpoint any particular events that awoke me, but feel more like my whole life has been a constant peeling off the layers of sleep. Al...

9 years ago
Robert Stanley...

I've been digging Robert Stanley lately too. Though I'm more fascinated in his work on The Malibu Megaliths. He's got amazing pics of these anci...

9 years ago
Red haired Giants in stasis chambers (footage)

Sorry, just realised I probs should have posted this in the Wild Card Forum - my bad!

9 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1025

Hey there Q, I live just down the road from ya! I live in South Golden Beach and I also spend a lot of time in Burringbar which is super close to you....

10 years ago