justman5555 wrote: anyone here seen Tracy's Dead mans switch video? Yes, she talks about some posts in this thread specifically. For those who haven...
Yeah I've been watching the new series and think it's a natural progression from Occult Science. At the end of that series, he outright says he reject...
That is such a cool video, fuck yeah How about you gemini? What sorts of magics are you up to?
genxgemini wrote: Do you have any more similar stories you can share? Definitely, here's another recent one. I did a couple seemingly unrelat...
PDX represent! Dollard is a whole other level of genius, but Lindemann and Murakami have done phenomenal work explaining aether and the physics o...
Yes! I made a servitor last year to get me into an engineering position with a good sized raise (I had been a technician for way too long). I gave her...
That's someone I'd love to hear more of, and more free energy science in general. Anyone familiar with Peter Lindemann and Aaron Murakami?
It amazes me that virtually everyone agrees that alcohol prohibition was a failure, yet they don't translate that logic to marijuana prohibition. Very...