Last seen: March 26, 2022 11:10 PM
orchid20 wrote: You'd think a nurse would know better. You would think. Wanna see a scary statistic look up the number of hospital acquired illness ...
I was tested last week. Negative for the swab. I don't currently have it. Positive for the antibody. I did have it. The county called and we cha...
Heard on Crrows show. Paraphrased, "How is it my fault if I'm caught in a bear trap while walking through the forest?" Yeah, its our responsibi...
What am I missing? It appears to be a bill to set aside funds for labor and personal protective equipment related to COVID 19.
While its deplorable how she was treated. Heads should roll. There really wasn't anything talked about that isn't talked about in lots of other audio/...
Well poop, I started to watch it and had to pause. When I came back, youtube pulled it.
Its amazing that the guy that stands to benefit most from "working from home", the software guy, is the front man for all this. And just for fun ...
The waters so muddy "you cant tell the players apart without a program" as they used to say. Just the way they like it. Every fact has a counter fac...
shamangineer wrote: So it looks like the virus is likely a leak from a lab in Wuhan that was using coronavirus to make an HIV vaccine with US finding....
If I was a lizard king in some backroom palace of power. (poetic license) I would be confident that has much as people have fought to work even agains...
Interesting, glad I could bring a little John Luvitz and the Red Devil into your life! I cant think of him without visualizing him in Hell being moles...
The Spanish flu, also known as the 1918 flu pandemic, was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic. Lasting from January 1918 to December 1920, it infec...