Last seen: March 26, 2022 11:10 PM
thunderchicken wrote: I've been thinking about a sigil to manifest. I don't even know how to ask for the things i want in life. I don't want money, or...
sirujux wrote: many times in bed ive had a feeling like i have something in me. ill make a loud noise but only i can hear it because no noise comes o...
dick-diamonds wrote: Lilith is also associated with the owl. I believe most of the elite occultism (like bohemian grove) is actually Lilith worship. L...
These geomancy finds are awesome. Thanks! Just a note. I believe Minerva is associated with the owl, and Moloch with the bull.
Thanks Hugh, Interesting video.
The hats, its too funny how many things like that are out there. Little things that hearken back to very different history than we have been told. ...
Thank you for all your help. Pretty big solstice coming up, along with other astrological events. Any thoughts? Stuff I should consider? Starting ...
I added the podcast to my list. I really appreciate the ongoing resources. I am really digging the dowsing book. I made rods today and it blew my ...
idefix wrote: Can anybody debunk this or did we go to the moon at that date and maybe just found something else thats why we have so litle information...
I feel like Ive learned more in this thread than in all the reading and podcasts combined. I really appreciate your input and the links are awesome. T...
nickzeptepi wrote: adapting to a magical world view - and doing low level "folk" magic - is still practicing magic you don't have to do any rituals th...
Thanks Nick, any pitfalls to watch out for? The last thing I need is to bring more grief into my life.
Wow, its out of my price range right now. But I am intrigued. US politicians and mind altering drug experiences? Strange bedfellows.
Sorry its taken so long to get back to you. the blast snap comment was supposed to be short for have a blast Snapturtle. (have fun) I hope that mak...