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Joined: July 10, 2020 1:03 AM
Last seen: March 26, 2022 11:10 PM
Topics: 10 / Replies: 83

What if its not foreshadowing or asking permission. What if its literally the magic? All the colors, signs, etc are designed to bring about the event ...

7 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 700
Jason Louv, John Dee, Enochian Magick, & The Empire of Angels

Interesting! Its amazing how much current events and pop culture match up with this concept. The movie "Age of Ultron". About an AI gone wrong and...

7 years ago
Dr Mallis, hyperattenuated plasma and spacetime, the Qlipoth, the right/left dynamic, and harmonics

Like in Superman 3 except with Nazis. When he flew around the earth and turned back time to save Lois. He did not turn back time, he split realities...

7 years ago
Shamangineer | Fascism

Even when its spelled out its hard to follow. Man they are good at obscuring this stuff. House of Lippe in 1916 as its last sovereign = the last ...

7 years ago
Jason Louv, John Dee, Enochian Magick, & The Empire of Angels

This is totally off the subject. As I was reading your post you mention 4D and AI and silicon tech. Haven't we been told that the alternative to c...

7 years ago
Shamangineer | Fascism

With limits like this, who need authority?

7 years ago
For Laurel Airica: An Expose on the Metaphysics of Puns

I like it. I don't completely follow it, but I like it. I enjoy puns and the concept that words always mean all of their definitions. And that we sp...

7 years ago
Marina Abramovic and Spirit Cooking

You know, I had not considered that its an act. Maybe thats all it is. She sure seems to influence some pretty high powered people whatever she is doi...

7 years ago
Marina Abramovic and Spirit Cooking

Its true that I dont know a lot about her. Not my kind thing. Gaga and Abramovic are associated. There is plenty of pics and vids with them together...

7 years ago
Marina Abramovic and Spirit Cooking

I wonder how much is a "performance". Stories of her laying naked and "allowing" "audience members" to do "whatever they want to her". Sounds to me li...

7 years ago
Flat Earth being a PsyOp

shamangineer wrote: I know this isn't really the thrust of this thread, but I have made similar comments. There seems to be two schools of wilderness...

7 years ago
Flat Earth being a PsyOp

I feel the reason for the subterfuge about the shape of our environment is related to our proprioception, our understanding of where things are. ...

7 years ago

rowanelevenses wrote: Ajo, AZ Is there anything cool to explore near Ajo?

7 years ago
Zombies, 2018 | Human+ | Feminisation | Child Abuse | Disney

First I gotta ask. "Negro". It that a thing again? I'm pretty disconnected and not up on the current. Second I thought, "so what, they are packing m...

7 years ago
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