Last seen: March 26, 2022 11:10 PM
You only take flack when your over the target. And in my humble opinion you are consistently over the target. Thank you for your work.
Ill second that. The corporation history alone is well worth the listen.
I have to sound off. No offense intended. But if it happens I'm ok with that. The new age happy thoughts and plant a tree to make the world a better...
That is funny. I read # as "pound" also btw
Its kinda a Mandela for me. I remember the north pole as ice and snow where Santa's house is. And thats what the pics on the site show. Google Eart...
Should we be about to see this in the globe model. No....and yes. There seems to be as many calculations for curve as there are theories. Even so if...
There is "performance art". Then there is glorifying baby killing, cannibalism and self mutilation. I cant seem to upload pics or links for some re...
New York Times AKA the White House Press Paper? Hmm.
It would be simple enough t test. Stand on a beach with a telescope and take a pic of Australia. (or similar) Something so easy to confirm, but av...
I'm working my way through Passio's podcasts. Up to about #60. Great education! Highly recommended. Listen on a player that you can control the playba...
Marijuana for ptsd. Do your own research! no medical support is available in Missouri. Gonna have to go to Colorado to do it legalish or go rogue, whi...
I know its a stretch but so much of this is art... Kinda fun to consider.
I know right? But its not about "fighting". Its about our growth and spreading that enlightenment. One soul at a time. Its a hard path to start b...