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Joined: July 10, 2020 1:03 AM
Last seen: March 26, 2022 11:10 PM
Topics: 10 / Replies: 83
Shamangineer | Fascism

You only take flack when your over the target. And in my humble opinion you are consistently over the target. Thank you for your work.

7 years ago
Shamangineer | Fascism

Ill second that. The corporation history alone is well worth the listen.

7 years ago
Crrow 777 | Censorship, Solar Lies

I have to sound off. No offense intended. But if it happens I'm ok with that. The new age happy thoughts and plant a tree to make the world a better...

7 years ago
#me too

That is funny. I read # as "pound" also btw

7 years ago
Any one been to the North Pole?

Its kinda a Mandela for me. I remember the north pole as ice and snow where Santa's house is. And thats what the pics on the site show. Google Eart...

7 years ago
Flat Earth being a PsyOp

Should we be about to see this in the globe model. No....and yes. There seems to be as many calculations for curve as there are theories. Even so if...

7 years ago
Marina Abramovic and Spirit Cooking

There is "performance art". Then there is glorifying baby killing, cannibalism and self mutilation. I cant seem to upload pics or links for some re...

7 years ago
7 years ago
Flat Earth being a PsyOp

It would be simple enough t test. Stand on a beach with a telescope and take a pic of Australia. (or similar) Something so easy to confirm, but av...

7 years ago
Mark Passio, The Occult, Symbolism, Government, Natural Law

I'm working my way through Passio's podcasts. Up to about #60. Great education! Highly recommended. Listen on a player that you can control the playba...

7 years ago
Hello Beautiful People-

Marijuana for ptsd. Do your own research! no medical support is available in Missouri. Gonna have to go to Colorado to do it legalish or go rogue, whi...

7 years ago
Sacred Feminine

I know its a stretch but so much of this is art... Kinda fun to consider.

7 years ago
Replies: 13
Views: 1691
Elena Freeland | Space Fence

I know right? But its not about "fighting". Its about our growth and spreading that enlightenment. One soul at a time. Its a hard path to start b...

7 years ago
7 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 996
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