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Joined: March 3, 2016 11:34 AM
Topics: 3 / Replies: 5
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Views: 1381
7 years ago
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Views: 708
Regarding Pizza Gate and more, what is truth seeking and can we be tricked?

Thanks for the link. I find Corbett to be very thoughtful and give very good appraisals of the "nuts and bolts" side of things. Can't wait to check th...

8 years ago
Regarding Pizza Gate and more, what is truth seeking and can we be tricked?

Odd, I've been mulling over the possibility this is some kind of a psyop to make folks overreact or go full on vigilante over unvetted theories so TPT...

8 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1421
Tracy Twyman #Spiritcooking

The MSM seems to be giving this the same blind eye they did with the Jeff Gannon or Whitehouse pageboy after hours "tours" scandal.

8 years ago
Mark from Deep Thoughts (aka MKUltra Radio)

Great idea, thank you for turning me on to his work. His mkultra radio is a hoot too, with Kyle from Dr. Know, they just don't make enough episodes. C...

8 years ago