Hmm, I'm very interested. My slave masters give me 2 weeks out of the year for my free time. I think it's kinda a bitch to get on the Colorado River i...
I was literally just reading on astrology, and came to THC. I just found out ole Donald Trump was born June 14 1946 at 10:54 in the AM. There was a l...
Oh I agree. I was going way far out on a limb, but I will entertain anything. I'd just like to see the proof of either side. Since this thing kicke...
What turns me off about crrow is, his take on the pizza gate. He framed it in a very strange way, not this recent episode, but the one before. He basi...
Haha. Nice lens on that. Yeah, why not go to Hawaii. Go up a little on the volcanic mountain and set up a telescope. If that works, I would assume all...
(favorite story) Greg "well it seems pretty clear that the robots stealth fully extracted the grandma's DNA, to build a replica to convince this kid t...
I started to watch a similar video about the claim of no forests, but his accent made it a strain to understand, and he started off too philosophical....
I wonder their motivation. Sounds as if they want to corral people into only using the profitable, patent technologies out there. Once the patent is g...