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Joined: August 12, 2019 10:50 AM
Topics: 28 / Replies: 48
Case for : History not what you were told - Hitler

I haven't watched the videos, yet, but off the subject I'd like to add that Hitler was a Vegan, and under Nazi Germany in 1936 I believe he implemente...

8 years ago
STRIKE Tomorrow Feb 16

I see nothing wrong with sending criminals out of the country. What's our options? Criminal illegals stay in prisons costing money, or send them back ...

8 years ago
Getting High for the 1st Time

diogenesofsinope wrote: No Satya, but I have added it to the list now thank you. and definitely n a m a s t e. For all you Oregon peeps. After a ...

8 years ago
Getting High for the 1st Time

The paranoia and anxiety kinda go away the more you smoke I guess. You just learn a way to control it, or it just don't bother you anymore. Sometimes ...

8 years ago
kitty history

Very nice, "reeked of weed and Gin". That's my kinda dinosaur, lol.

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1320
Turbulent times

(quietly click back arrow and staying out of this hot one)

8 years ago
Donald Marshall - Akimondo's Rant

I have probably listened to the Donald show the most, because I find it to be the most entertaining I would say. But hey you gotta have those guys on ...

8 years ago
Donald Marshall - Akimondo's Rant

Donald weaved a tale, but if you break down the bullet points like Akimondo did, a sane person can't come back to finding truth in Donalds claims

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1474
electric universe/polar opening

There is a lot of outstanding information in this You guys are clearly overworking my tiny brain Good stuff

8 years ago
electric universe/polar opening

Man I tried to read that but it appears as a vertical assembly of letters.

8 years ago
electric universe/polar opening

Exactly. In which this topic has came down to two different schools of thought basically, and this is the division of the subject. I couldn't formulat...

8 years ago
electric universe/polar opening

Cool, I agree with all above stated. If a polar opening existed into the inner earth, that was in the ocean, how it is theorized as physically possibl...

8 years ago
electric universe/polar opening

Yes but I wasn't using this as a proof of a flat earth. Think what you want to on that. I have no opinion. What would you prescribe as to the cause of...

8 years ago
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