Last seen: December 17, 2023 8:08 PM
www.drsambailey.com has brought new light and great videos to this debate since these posts. It's not that people don't get sick or die from sympto...
@frater222 I agree with you there brother, and it's possible most of the earthly and ET control and deception can be traced back to the attempts of th...
Dr Sam Bailey or Dr Mark Bailey www.drsambailey.com Dr Andy/Andrew Kaufmann Andrew Kaufman, M.D. – Medicamentum Authentica (andrewkaufmanmd.com) D...
Dr Sam Bailey or Dr Mark Bailey www.drsambailey.com Dr Andy/Andrew Kaufmann Andrew Kaufman, M.D. – Medicamentum Authentica (andrewkaufmanmd.com) D...
I live in Liverpool. Hi Gavin and Thunderbird
There are no viruses. Not the most important theory in general, it's not going to change the world. But it is the most important to me personally and ...