Neuron Crux
Neuron Crux
Estimable Member
Joined: June 18, 2017 12:38 PM
Last seen: March 6, 2025 5:21 PM
Topics: 30 / Replies: 51
3 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1185
3 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 782
Magick and Sorcery

Ouch! Do yourself a huge favor, throw that garbage out the window and read the Neuronomicon ASAP.

4 years ago
Magick and Sorcery

They each have their strong suits. The NeuronomIcon is like a grand unified theory/training manual of sorcery, while Accidental Antichrist is a biogra...

4 years ago
Tracking Human Genomes topic - Genomic Surveillance

Fuck. And we paid for all of it too. It's hard to even fathom the amount of money that's been spent on black projects over the years, all designed...

4 years ago
Magick and Sorcery

There is this, it's a bit older: [MEDIA=dailymotion]x76c88s from 30min onward. It was deleted from youtube last year. The whole documentary is...

4 years ago
Magick and Sorcery

The only podcast I am aware of is sort of a drunken biographical one, and the only recent interviews have been on the subject of ritual abuse. He re...

4 years ago
Magick and Sorcery

Perhaps the images look different on my screen than they do on everyone else's. I'm looking at them right now and they are quite large, I can easil...

4 years ago
Magick and Sorcery

The author of these books.

4 years ago
Brownsmithing (Blacksmithing with Brown's Gas) (Updated)

Update: So, George Wiseman responded to me surprisingly quickly, and explained in great detail that he would not recommend his machine for what I...

4 years ago
How do you divine?

I have never used Tarot much for divination, but I do meditate on the images quite a bit. I grew up teaching myself to read and write with Runes, an...

4 years ago
4 years ago
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Views: 716
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