Last seen: March 7, 2025 11:47 AM
Nice work! I've been blacksmithing on and off for over 20 years. I've made athame daggers for occult practitioners, along with a few Japanese styl...
also also…
Has anyone else observed such things? From childhood our senses are funneled into 5 primary channels, and the only generally agreed-upon concepts...
Northern MD, not far from Gettysburg PA
Whereabouts do you reside? Always on the lookout for fellow chatters in my area.
I have been slaaaaaacking on the forms. But welcome. If you like chatting crazy you're in the right place.
Literal vampire potbelly goblins
Do you pulsate with love and light?
Imminentizing the Eschaton my Friend, Imminentizing the Eschaton. It is a thought trap. Fnord. Cleverly designed to rub it in our faces because we...
Nothing to see here.
I have heard Graig mention JMG as a potential guest in the past, and I have suggested it in the show comments on at least 1 occasion. I've been a fan ...