Honorable Member
Joined: June 4, 2016 9:49 AM
Last seen: April 30, 2024 12:11 AM
Topics: 46 / Replies: 428
The Shape Of Reality

Have a look at theosophy and the secret doctrine. It talks of the earth chain, many globes, of different density, both physical & spiritual. Th...

5 years ago
The Shape Of Reality

I've often pondered that there maybe copy of the earth, matrix style, or the primordial ark, that might as well be flat. If it's a physical matter ...

5 years ago
Know Thy Self - Mega Thread ~ mind, body, spirit, wholeness, resources

The content in this is intense and quite significant. AION is one of the last books Jung wrote so it condenses and builds on most of his life wo...

5 years ago
Joe Rogan Experience

I'm a little way into the Roseanne show - shes a bit crazy balls - I'll keep going

5 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1058
Elon Musk: Coming out of the closet?

Fantastic Elon Musk whoremongers with known child sex slave organiser People in glass houses.

5 years ago
Elon Musk: Coming out of the closet?

sirujux wrote: not like hes young and a hunk, he couldn't get with a hot Asian. ive got nothing wrong with creeps, because im not good looking. I hav...

5 years ago
Elon Musk: Coming out of the closet?

Elon Musk doubled down on his description of a diver who helped rescue a group of trapped Thai boys from a cave as a 'pedophile', saying in an explosi...

5 years ago
Dr Andreas Kalcker- Chlorine dioxide dissolution

rani wrote: I don't know how different the chlorine dioxide is to the MMS, but I haven't had a problem with the taste. Also cured a tooth ache with it...

6 years ago
Neil Sanders

Link or you stink 😉 No linky you stinky :p

6 years ago
Timeline manipulation - mud flood - culture reset

Further to the mud flood stuff I got more from this twitter thread on Tartary empire and the possible mud flood that wiped it out than any other...

6 years ago
Info Warfare: DARPA, Big Tech, Surveillance & AI

a good summary video on that google stressors leak they noticed people impulse buy more things in stress situations, so they design things to stress...

6 years ago
Cannabis addiction: experiences

br /> Have a look at his whole series - as a psychologist he's a rare one in that he talks about higher powers etc I read somewhere else can...

6 years ago
Cannabis addiction: experiences

Gosh my grammar and spelling is terrible - but hey Check this vid out i think i posted it elsewhere. he talks alot of sense about the "person of...

6 years ago
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