Last seen: April 30, 2024 12:11 AM
Have a look at theosophy and the secret doctrine. It talks of the earth chain, many globes, of different density, both physical & spiritual. Th...
I've often pondered that there maybe copy of the earth, matrix style, or the primordial ark, that might as well be flat. If it's a physical matter ...
The content in this is intense and quite significant. AION is one of the last books Jung wrote so it condenses and builds on most of his life wo...
I'm a little way into the Roseanne show - shes a bit crazy balls - I'll keep going
Fantastic Elon Musk whoremongers with known child sex slave organiser People in glass houses.
sirujux wrote: not like hes young and a hunk, he couldn't get with a hot Asian. ive got nothing wrong with creeps, because im not good looking. I hav...
Elon Musk doubled down on his description of a diver who helped rescue a group of trapped Thai boys from a cave as a 'pedophile', saying in an explosi...
rani wrote: I don't know how different the chlorine dioxide is to the MMS, but I haven't had a problem with the taste. Also cured a tooth ache with it...
Link or you stink 😉 No linky you stinky :p
Further to the mud flood stuff I got more from this twitter thread on Tartary empire and the possible mud flood that wiped it out than any other...
a good summary video on that google stressors leak they noticed people impulse buy more things in stress situations, so they design things to stress...
br /> Have a look at his whole series - as a psychologist he's a rare one in that he talks about higher powers etc I read somewhere else can...
Gosh my grammar and spelling is terrible - but hey Check this vid out i think i posted it elsewhere. he talks alot of sense about the "person of...