Last seen: April 30, 2024 12:11 AM
clutchnut wrote: It's Nuts! I've followed her work for a while. I feared for her after the death of her husband. There is much risk in the realms they...
I got this in my Twitter feed. Absolutely flabbergasted to have just learned of the death of Tracy Twyman. With her work she was always way out p...
marga wrote: That's where I'm at.......come back nick!! Noooooooooo!! I'm on my hero's journey, I've still to accomplish a few things before I ...
marga wrote: Hi, I look forward to some high-rise chats! How's things over there - I used to live in Luton!! for my sins! hahaha
rani wrote: thanks man. I went for 'cosmic grid' and it was a very dense read, and didn't make much sense as it referred very heavily to 'cosmic war' ...
I replied quickly and a bit ol school ( just read your reply after starting this off) your right its your about blessing i seem to be on about other ...
fifthcolumn wrote: This is my first foray into forums and I beg all your forgiveness for my naive brashness. I do not seek to alienate and I still do,...
Hello ol' magic pal. It seems like your treding a new path, a bit like Peter Carroll & his stripped down chaos magic. Remove the unecessary flamb...
rani wrote: Hey everyone. I have not read any of Dr. Farrell's books. I want to remedy this situation, but with so many titles, I just don't know wher...
Binaural beats help you to balance the brain hemispheres quicker. Do you meditate already? If you don't that's the first step, you've got to be g...
thailand vietnam cambodia
nickzeptepi wrote: Our soul image is the opposite (typically) of our physical biology. ? Why? thats what Jung said the anima and animus are our soul...
LOL - Mansplaining at its finest! Jung said The mans Anima is female and the Woman's Animus is male. Our soul image is the opposite (typica...