Last seen: April 30, 2024 12:11 AM
link or you stink!
A feature you can call in and do on the next Joint session!?
Do to think this orgone accumulator will have any effect on the water? I've sent since intensional to it and asked for ezwater to be held in there.
enjoypolo wrote: PS: I dawned on me the other day, that what we call the Collective Unconscious (Jung) may in fact be part of the Earth's consciousnes...
shamangineer wrote: I guess there is one way to find out, not that it is desirable or that we would get a straight answer if it were the case. It wi...
I'm only a bit into it, but I saw Keshe and thought of the recent announcement from Iran. It can sink US ships with its new secret weapon, is it Kes...
Welcome, Have a look back at the wildcard thread you'll find some interesting stuff
Further to this I am now starting to realise that when a being (human or otherwise) has thre autonomic nervous system (vagus nerve) shocked at a ea...
fifthcolumn wrote: you cry and your parents feed you. After this pattern is developed, your subconscious will observe it and repeat it because it is b...
fifthcolumn wrote: When you were born, your body and your subconscious mind had already been alive for about 5 years. How do you get 5 years?
rani wrote: Don't worry you guys. It's got a cute-sy music track. That means nothing will EVER go wrong and this technology will only be used for funn...
enjoypolo wrote: This may be little off topic, but I thought the latest episode on egregores fits very synchronistically with recent conversations abo...