Last seen: April 30, 2024 12:11 AM
Oh well, Youtube algarythm has got me targeted!! This guy popped up in my reccommended feed and a few of them have been ok, some of them you'll know a...
Know your logical fallacies - it's like a firewall in your mind against adverts & bullshit. "More freshness in every spray" - we increase the dos...
Top 10 Logical Fallacies Ad Hominem Straw Man Appeal to Ignorance False Dilemma Slippery Slope Circular Argument Hasty...
I agree getting to know logical fallacies is a great thing. I read somewhere- anxiety & excited feel very similar in the body, even have similar...
Have you tried the Wim Hoff Breathing technique yet? did you get the ecstasy high and energetic flow like a orgasm? I found Tony Robbins has a br...
A good resource website about improving your self with great interviews - One interview which I found interesting for us tokers Full 2 h...
shamangineer wrote: Ding ding ding, my pet theory is that the people who are traumatized or repressed are drawn to psychotherapy in an attempt to self...
fifthcolumn wrote: Babies can't remember anything so they cannot be traumtised. Yeah, Christ! Can you believe they got away with telling people ...
fifthcolumn wrote: Nick, Shining a light - probably not a great metaphor I think this is a great metaphor. Light up that magic torch, baby!...
Have you tried a course of this?
fifthcolumn wrote: Nick, In one mystery experience I woke up (came to) and litterally stood up to a partially cloacked red-eyed demon thing that ...
Link to my Google drive - You can add your own E-Books - please keep it to rare hard to find stuff It has at present Jung stuff ( the books I...
fifthcolumn wrote: Nick, I really like this post. Never heard the concept of archons walling off areas of your mind to claim in the name of ...