Last seen: April 30, 2024 12:11 AM
Many people unknowingly carry dark shadows and spirits that are attached to them (un-integrated) These are like mosquitoes they WILL feed on you ...
my memory isn't accurate therefore time travel! Or Parallel realities crossing over. Absolutely no other possible explanation...
look at tracy twyman youtube chanel
I would really like to hear him talk about his new book - Vice of Kings - pedo cult in the upper reaches of British society.
not sure, check your astrology as to what is strong in your chart I was wondering if xmas crackers have paper crowns in them so when the sprits t...
I recall that Egyptian, roman greek etc when they took over a country or changed rulers they would knock the nose of statues as a sign that they had l...
metalegs wrote: I added the podcast to my list. I really appreciate the ongoing resources. I am really digging the dowsing book. I made rods today...
they sacrifice animals or babies during rituals to channel the bad karma into that taken life instead of their future life
Yeah it's a rush when it works. Have your listened to the jenxx Thai magic podcast - I lived in Thailand but didn't get that deep, the locals abs...
Try this podcast for discussion by big time operative magicians who do the conjurations for some reason that home page stops at podcast 22 ...
Remember Trump was denied by the CIA to release all the JFK files cos certain people named within were still alive? Well I hope now they can be r...
It's one of those things you have to decide for your self and create your own reality.
metalegs wrote: I really appreciate your help on this. Maybe its my upbringing but I am nervous about deals much less contracts with people, let alo...
adapting to a magical world view - and doing low level "folk" magic - is still practicing magic you don't have to do any rituals that might leave the ...