Last seen: April 30, 2024 12:11 AM
metalegs wrote: Thanks Nick, any pitfalls to watch out for? The last thing I need is to bring more grief into my life. Don't go feet first into c...
Meditation Divination - tarot - dowsing or pendulum type thing a way for the spirits to talk back Sigils - intention -a mini contract with the spi...
If you proselyties to them it could be taken as projecting to get confirmation of your own inner sense of self and truth. I have to pull back, if...
literally a pyramid scheme!
I prefer this guy - he offers his own research & opinions - I prefer him to Jimmy. Jimmy is a parrot! br />
Latest in the news Emotional moment Thai cave boys hug the British divers who saved them - and their translator breaks down as they tell re...
I'd like to hear from this guy, Phillip Lindsay, and his summary of hidden history of humanity written down and kept by Tibetian monks, that became th...
op3n3y3s wrote: @nickzeptepi I have not considered either being an Empath or early childhood trauma. Although there are a few things that have happe...
op3n3y3s wrote: Hey everyone, Just saw this thread and thought this would be the best place to ask about a book. My brother gave my the book "finger...
Interesting Small point, I was lead to believe Archon means unjust or imposed rulers. so its not giving power to them to call them Archons. I've...
bootzmcgruff wrote: Antarctica Mt. Markham Are you working there? Or born & raised?
and mix in the new military tech for mind programming AS featured on Freeman tv recently with Dr.Karlstorm “The Program” involves a vast neuro...
Do it Greg - you know Dark Journo will bite your hand off